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Warsaw Security Summit 2023

On 5 June 2023, the 7th edition of one of the largest security industry events in Poland - the Warsaw Security Summit - took place at the Sofitel Victoria hotel in Warsaw.

The event is organized every year by A&S Poland - an industry knowledge platform for security market professionals and the publisher of a magazine of the same title. With each edition, the event enjoys a growing interest in the industry environment. This year, the event attracted over 700 participants, which turned out to be a record for all editions of the event.

This year's edition of the Warsaw Security Summit covered issues in the fields of artificial intelligence, critical infrastructure, logistics and transport, risk management, and cyber security. The aforementioned conference was a good opportunity to exchange knowledge and mutual experiences on trends, practices, and the most common mistakes made in the field of security.

Acting as an exhibitor at this year's event, we presented new products from our range:

  • RACS 5v2: the second edition of our flagship access control platform of the Enterprise-class,
  • RKDS v2: the second edition of the key management and tracking system,
  • VISO SMS: a new module for security management in facilities.

We would like to thank the participants of the event for their interest in our products, for the pleasant discussions and fruitful meetings, and the organizers for the unique atmosphere.

See you at the next events!



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